Are you searching for joy in an increasingly complex and disconnected world? Are you on a path toward bettering your mental health?

Embark Behavioral Health says happiness is typically a more fleeting emotion, often sparked by a particular moment or event that brings a sense of excitement or exhilaration. Joy is a more long-lasting state characterized by overall contentment and satisfaction with life.

The journey towards personal fulfillment and joy might be simpler than we think. It’s not found in endless introspection but in the outward extension of ourselves to others, also known as community support.

Community support is a meaningful way to enrich our lives, improve our mental health, and feel joy.

Taryn Fernandes, MD, a supervising physician at MEDvidi, an online mental health treatment center, explains, “Studies have shown that helping others can decrease cortisol, the stress hormone, and increase oxytocin, which is associated with positive social interactions and generosity. Acts of kindness can also lower stress levels, promoting feelings of happiness, calm, inspiration, and generosity.”

From Mental Health America:

  • Students who performed five acts of kindness a day increased their happiness.
  • Providing emotional support to others in our community significantly decreased the harmful health effects of certain kinds of stress among older people.
  • Brain imaging research revealed that people who donated money to charity experienced a boost in a feel-good part of the brain.

These insights can show us the way to good mental health. Caring for ourselves and finding joy can often come through community support.

By redirecting our focus from self-service to helping others through community support, we receive mental health benefits that personal indulgences don’t offer.

The Benefits of Helping Others In Your Community

While self-care routines like spa days, mental health breaks, and personal comforts are celebrated paths to relaxation and self-focus, there’s a less talked about way with hidden benefits—service to others in our communities.

It might come as a surprise, but swapping some ‘me time’ for ‘we time’ can have a profound impact on our mental health. No solo activity produces a surge in oxytocin like giving through time, donation, or simple kindness.

When it comes to reducing stress, few things beat the cortisol-lowering power of contributing to the welfare of another.

What if the secret ingredient to a more joyful, healthier life is less self-service and more service to others?

  • Being of service to others increases our levels of happiness, and it has a ripple effect—kindness and service are contagious and make our communities nicer places to be, which supports good mental health for everyone.
  • We are hard-wired for love and compassion. When we show love and compassion, societies flourish because of a sense of trust and support, which leads to increased well-being.
  • Offering help to others in our community through time, money, and skills provides a sense of purpose. A sense of purpose and meaning is a foundation for positive cognitive functioning, well-being, and better physical health.
  • Having a purpose in life may motivate reframing stressful situations to deal with them more productively, thereby facilitating recovery from stress and trauma to regaining joy. 

The pursuit of good mental health is marked by the connections we forge and the support we offer to one another.

Considering the impact that acts of service in our community can have on our mental health, it’s clear that reaching out to others in support is not just about those we help but a step towards caring for our inner peace and feeling joyful.

Ways You Can Support Others in Your Community

Empowering your community through acts of kindness will uplift those you help and enrich your life.

Whether you volunteer at a local shelter, mentor youth, help seniors age in place, or share a warm meal with someone in need, each action contributes to a stronger, healthier community. This, in turn, gives you purpose and a sense of achievement and can make you feel joyful.

Here are several practical ways to make a purposeful difference in your community:

  1. Volunteer—There are endless places to volunteer, including local shelters, schools, aging-in-place non-profits, libraries, animal shelters, and more.
  2. Clean-ups—Join local efforts to clean parks, beaches, or neighborhood streets in your area. If there isn’t a regional or local effort, you can start one!
  3. Mentor youth — Offer your skills and talents to support children in your community. You can do this through schools, community centers, or organizations like Big Brothers and Big Sisters.
  4. Contribute to local food banks — Bring non-perishable food items or volunteer your time to help distribute food to those who need it.
  5. Help seniors —  Contact your local aging-in-place non-profit or senior service organizations to help with house chores, yard cleanup, meal prep, friendly visits, and more.
  6. Offer free workshops and classes. Use your expertise and talents to teach others valuable skills, such as cooking, computer basics, or budgeting.
  7. Organize fundraisers for local causes — Plan or participate in events that raise money for causes that you’re passionate about. Consider charities, schools, or special community projects.

Community support builds bonds between neighbors and enhances our mental health, well-being, and feelings of joy. As we make connections and offer help, we cultivate a sense of belonging and purpose that is essential for happiness and joy through life.

Remember, every small act of kindness helps someone in need and brings us closer to personal fulfillment and joy, embodying the secret path to good mental health.

A Final Thought

The path to personal well-being, good mental health, and joy winds through your community. You forge connections and enhance your mental health by lending your hand and heart to others.

You can take a step today. Reach out to your local organizations and find out how you can contribute. Whether you volunteer a few hours a week, participate in community clean-ups, visit a senior at home, or lend an ear to someone in need, your actions will help your community become healthier and more joyful for everyone.

Every effort makes a difference. Support your community today to start on your path to good mental health and a more joyous life.

Peace and love. ✌🏻❤️

Be sure to visit Mecella for more health content!


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